
Google Penguin 2.0 - Spam fighting update is live

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Posted by admin on September 5, 2016


Google Penguin 2.0 - Spam fighting update is live

Google Penguin Google announced launch of Penguin 2.0 update on 22 May 2013, this is 4th revision related to Penguin update. As per Googles Matt Cutts About 2.3% of English-US queries are affected to the degree that a regular user might notice. 2.3% may sound like a small number but webmasters agree that this is a huge change and is going to affect many search results. And also this time Matt has specifically mentioned that this is going to impact other languages as well.

Not only Google is updating its algo to fight spam, it is also asking users to report spam sites.

So this is the 4th update in about an years time. Only the first release on April 24 2012 had more impact (~3.1% of queries), the subsequent 2, on May 26, 2012 and October 5, 2012 were 0.1% and 0.3% respectively.

So all in all, google is going to take care of the SEO related spam and lets hope it will be able to give us the quality content that we all desire from a good Search engine that google has been. View the video earlier released by google

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